10 Customer Data Roles in Customer Relationship Management


Customer data plays a crucial role in customer relationship management as it provides valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and interactions with your organization.

Having accurate and up-to-date customer data can help your organization better understand consumers and provide personalized experiences that foster loyalty and improve satisfaction and confidence in your products or services.

Harvard Business Review contributor and business expert Barbara Bund Jackson has found this is very valuable through her research.

Here are a few ways in which customer data can impact your relationship with the customer:

Personalization: By making customer data an integral part of as many customer journeys as possible, you’re able to tailor customer interactions, providing experiences that are targeted and specific to the individual customer needs and interests.

Increased efficiency: Customer data can help to streamline your business processes and help to make better use of your resources. Routine task automation like these can benefit from a direct relationship with actual customer data

Marketing and Sales Lead scoring: Automated lead scoring systems use algorithms to evaluate leads based on their likelihood of becoming customers, and prioritize them for follow-up by sales teams. Here you might use past transactional history or simply the attributes of the customer like age and gender but through zero-party-data may be able to hone your lead scoring further.

Marketing automation: Marketing automation tools automate routine marketing tasks, such as email campaigns and social media posts, and allow companies to personalize marketing efforts based on customer data. Here, simple knowledge of the customer name, their address and other contact information, is helpful. This is especially true if that data is maintained by the customer through self-service.

Customer service automation: Customer service automation tools, such as chatbots and self-service portals, allow companies to automate routine customer service tasks and provide faster, more efficient customer support. Integration with known customers and their data, can make the dialog and interaction much more personal and directed.

Sales automation: Sales automation tools automate tasks such as lead management, opportunity tracking, and sales forecasting are used to free up sales teams to focus on more high-value activities. The more data there is in the customer master, the more effective these automations are.

Workflow automation: Workflow automation tools are used to automate repetitive tasks and processes, such as the routing of customer inquiries to the appropriate team members, freeing up time for customer-facing employees to focus on more high-value activities. The more attributes you attach to the customer master the more precision and control you have in directing these interactions and workflows.

Improved decision-making: Customer data provides valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and feedback, which can help companies make better-informed decisions about product development, marketing, and customer support.

Better understanding of customer needs: Customer data can help companies better understand their customers’ needs, pain points, and areas for improvement, which can lead to improved customer experiences and increased customer satisfaction.

Increased customer loyalty: It should come as no surprise that Pretectum thinks loyalty is so intrinsically linked to customer data, that we use #loyaltyisupforgrabs prolifically in social media. By providing personalized experiences and demonstrating a commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of their customers, companies can increase customer loyalty and reduce customer churn.

Customer data is a critical component of effective customer relationship management and can have a significant impact on customer relationships, customer satisfaction, and business success. Pretectum feels a CMDM is the best way to serve up the data to business applications.

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